Textbook Update and Reading for Next Week

The campus bookstore now has copies of Rockin’ The Boat. They ordered fewer books than there are students in the class, so get them while the getting is hot. The other text is on order and should be there within the next week. Those of you who are not able to get the book through the bookstore should contact me privately and we will work out what to do next.

For next Monday, we will be reading Thomas Turino’s chapter, “Music and Political Movements” from Music and Social Life. (This is from the same textbook I used in last spring’s “Music and the Global Metropolis.”) Turino’s juxtaposition of two famous instances of music and political change in the 20th century is jarring, but it makes sense for the particular aspects he discusses.

For Thursday, will tackle two chapters Jacques Attali’s Noise: The Political Economy of Music from 1977 (translated in English in 1985). It is a longer and more challenging chunk of reading, but Noise is full of notable quotes. For the first assigned chapter, focus your attention on the front part of the chapter where he lays out his argument before moving on to the rest. Remember that Attali’s is one of the optional texts for the first writing assignment, so it will yield rewards to invest a fair amount of time for reading his tome.